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Christian Basaldúa



Christian holds a law degree from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP), having graduated with a thesis awarded summa cum laude and recommended for publication. He has pursued postgraduate studies in Civil Law at the same university's Graduate School. Additionally, he has completed specialized courses in Public Procurement, Arbitration in Public Procurement, and Administrative Law for Arbitrators at the PUCP Center for Conflict Analysis and Resolution.

Professional experience

Christian has extensive experience in Civil and Commercial Law and Arbitration, including both Commercial and Investment Arbitration. His expertise spans areas such as Contracts, Civil Liability, Retail, and M&A. He has assisted in preparing various awards in commercial arbitrations, public procurement, public-private partnerships, and more. Furthermore, he has collaborated in the drafting of over thirty reports for submission in national and international arbitrations before institutions such as ICSID, ICC, CAIP, CCL, and CARC-PUCP, as well as in judicial proceedings and Dispute Boards.

Academic Activity

Christian has served as a Teaching Assistant for courses in Obligations, Civil Liability, and Effective Legal Communication at the PUCP Faculty of Law.

He has also been a Teaching Assistant for courses including Civil Law VI: Obligations, Civil Law VII: Contracts (General Part), and Civil Law XI: Civil Liability at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lima.


Member of the championship team representing PUCP at the XII Edition of the International Arbitration and Commercial Law Competition “MOOT MADRID” in 2020, organized by Universidad Carlos III (Madrid).

Member of the team representing PUCP at the XII Edition of the International Arbitration Competition “MOOT UBA” in 2019, co-organized by the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina) and Universidad del Rosario (Colombia).

Ranked third out of a total of 177 students in his graduating class from the PUCP Faculty of Law.


  • ​“La Responsabilidad por daños causados por animales (cuadrúpedos) en el Derecho Romano Justinianeo: ¿en qué supuestos no responde el dueño?”. En: Estudio sobre Principios Generales y Derecho Romano. Volumen 3. Lima: Editorial de la Universidad de Flores, 2024.
  • “La gravedad del incumplimiento como requisito fundamental para la resolución de un contrato”. En: Pólemos, 2024, Fecha de publicación: 09 de julio de 2024. Disponible en web: https://polemos.pe/la-gravedad-del-incumplimiento-como-requisito-fundamental-para-la-resolucion-de-un-contrato/
  • ​“Panorama General sobre la Responsabilidad Civil del Árbitro en diversos países a nivel internacional”. En: Revista Especializada en Responsabilidad Civil, Año I, N° 1, Instituto Peruano de Responsabilidad Civil, 2023, pp. 67-144.
  • ​“Los accidentes en la Costa Verde por el desprendimiento de rocas: entre el caso fortuito, la asunción de riesgo y la responsabilidad civil”. En: Dogmática y Práctica del Derecho Privado Moderno. Estudios Jurídicos en Homenaje al Profesor Gastón Fernández Cruz. Tomo II. Lima: Instituto Pacífico S.A.C., 2022, pp. 93-162.